Select from our course selection:
Basic First Aid & CPR Curriculum Options

Adult CPR
2015 ECC / ILCOR / AHA Compliant! This course covers everything you need to know about providing basic CPR techniques to adult victims. This course also includes curriculum on adult responsive victims with a foreign body airway obstruction (choking). This course is intended for individuals who only need training for the adult and does not instruct on child and infant procedures.

Adult-Child-Infant CPR Course
2015 ECC / ILCOR / AHA Compliant! Adult-Child-Infant CPR Course 2015 ECC / ILCOR / AHA Compliant! This course covers everything you need to know about providing basic CPR techniques to adult, children and infant victims. This course also includes curriculum on any age of responsive victim with a foreign body airway obstruction (choking).

Automated External Defibrillator
2015 ECC / ILCOR / AHA Compliant! This course is designed to build competence and confidence in Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use and provide maintenance and program guidance for facilities with AEDs. The online course includes information about today's currently manufactured AEDs and allows students to view their specific model of AED and understand the difference between semi-automatic and automatic AEDs. The course also includes training on special AED situations. More details on course curriculum can be viewed by pressing the Curriculum button.

Automated External Defibrillator 2016
2015 ECC / ILCOR / AHA Compliant! This course is designed to build competence and confidence in Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use and provide maintenance and program guidance for facilities with AEDs. The online course includes information about today's currently manufactured AEDs and allows students to view their specific model of AED and understand the difference between semi-automatic and automatic AEDs. The course also includes training on special AED situations. More details on course curriculum can be viewed by pressing the Curriculum button.

BloodBorne Pathogens
OSHA Compliant! This up-to-date Bloodborne Pathogens course covers universal precautions, the risks and types of infectious diseases contracted through exposure, and the proper safeguards to prevent exposure as well as proper methods of handling potential contaminants. The course meets and exceeds 29CFR 1910.1030 guideline requirements.

BLS HCP Train the Trainer 2016
Premium Train the Trainer

BLS Healthcare Provider CPR
This ECC/ILCOR, Red Cross and American Heart Association equivalent curriculum provides training on situations involving adult, infant and child victims. The topic matter includes when and how to perform rescue breathing, bag-mask use, CPR and automated external defibrillators. The course also covers situations for lone rescuer CPR and multiple-rescuer CPR. Lastly, topic matter includes signs and symptoms of heart attacks in responsive adults and relief of an obstructed airway in responsive and unconscious adults, children or infant victims.

BLS Healthcare Provider CPR 2016
This ECC/ILCOR, Red Cross and American Heart Association equivalent curriculum provides training on situations involving adult, infant and child victims. The topic matter includes when and how to perform rescue breathing, bag-mask use, CPR and automated external defibrillators. The course also covers situations for lone rescuer CPR and multiple-rescuer CPR. Lastly, topic matter includes signs and symptoms of heart attacks in responsive adults and relief of an obstructed airway in responsive and unconscious adults, children or infant victims.

First Aid
2015 ECC / AHA Compliant! This Basic First Aid course covers everything you need to know about providing first aid for any age of victim. The course material is comprehensive and covers responder protection as well as first aid treatment instructions. The course covers first aid procedures for bleeding, burns, broken bones and a variety of other medical, injury or environmental emergencies. Press the Curriculum button for more details on course curriculum.

First Aid 2016
2015 ECC / AHA Compliant! This Basic First Aid course covers everything you need to know about providing first aid for any age of victim. The course material is comprehensive and covers responder protection as well as first aid treatment instructions. The course covers first aid procedures for bleeding, burns, broken bones and a variety of other medical, injury or environmental emergencies. Press the Curriculum button for more details on course curriculum.

Train the Trainer
This course covers what trainers need to teach, how to teach, and what tools to use for First Voice Training. Trainers for First Voice include independent instructors that are field-experienced EMS providers, nurses or other healthcare providers. Trainers also include in-house personnel at organizations that utilize the online training portal for student course study and cognitive testing, reducing training man hours. After students perform and pass online course study, trainers are responsible for ensuring important lifesaving psychomotor skills have been learned. Trainers perform skills checks and skills reviews or skills refreshers with students. Trainers can easily use the Training Scenarios Tool to encourage 15 minute SHORT training sessions and scenario drills at their organizations. Trainer certification is every 2 years. Certified Instructors for organizations such as Red Cross, American Heart Association, ECSI, National Safety Council, ASHI or Medic First Aid can obtain reciprocity. For more information about obtaining reciprocity contact First Voice Training technical support at 888-473-1777 or email.
Other Course Curriculum Options

Child and Babysitting Safety Course
This five-hour course consists of two parts:Part 1 addresses CPR, first aid, and choking basics, and Part 2 addresses babysitter and caregiver basics.
The course is instructor led and will include DVD presentation materials as well as hands-on activities pertinent to child supervision.
- The caregiver portion will provide instruction on bottle-feeding, feeding, diapering, burping, washing, sanitizing, and fire safety. The babysitter basics introduction will include an example flier and safe marketing tips as well as key babysitter interview questions to ask parents.
- Coursework covers age-appropriate activities for children and infants, and offers tips on how to handle and calm a crying baby, set boundaries, and properly manage behavior in order to keep children safe and out of trouble.

Emergency Instruction Device
Emergency Instruction Device (EID) Product Training
This product training module includes details for setting up and real-time use of your EID, as well as the many valuable features the EID includes for supporting emergency response training, including:
- Quick review on the EID as to hints/tips and to ensure effective use of the device and all its features
- Access to TRAINING SCENARIOS and an agenda (TRAINING SCENARIO CURRICULUM IDEAS) on short refresher training sessions using the EID (under the Skills Refresher section)
- Other templates and tools to use with the EID

Emergency Oxygen
This course focuses on delivering emergency oxygen to breathing and non-breathing persons, emergency oxygen delivery systems, and integrating pulse oximetry. It is intended for individuals who desire to be trained in the administration of emergency oxygen. Prerequisites include current CPR or CPR and First Aid certification within previous 24 month.

First Voice Training Scenarios
As a complementary part of your First Voice Training, you can use our First Voice Training Scenarios to practice your newly learned or refreshed upon First Aid or CPR response skills. This skills refresher training scenarios handout includes training scenarios that reinforce how to deal with responder protection and first aid basics including universal precautions and appropriate treatment for medical emergencies, injury emergencies, and environmental emergencies.

Mandatory Reporter - Child
Mandatory Reporter Training for Child Abuse
Professionals who have frequent contact with children in the course of their work are considered to be mandatory reporters. Mandatory reporters are required by law to complete two hours of training during their first six months of employment or self employment and two hours every five years thereafter. This online course meets the requirements for two hours of mandatory education for child abuse as required by Iowa Code Sections 232.67-232.75. This course enhances the knowledge of the mandatory reporter in recognizing and reporting suspected child abuse. This course will help you to better identify child abuse, the signs and symptoms, reporting requirements and continuing education required for mandatory reporters.

Mandatory Reporter - Child/Dependent Adult
Mandatory Reporter Training for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse
Professionals who have frequent contact with children and dependent adults in the course of their work are considered to be mandatory reporters. Mandatory reporters are required by law to complete two hours of training during their first six months of employment or self employment and two hours every five years thereafter. This online course meets the requirements for two hours of mandatory education for child and dependent adult abuse as required by Iowa Code Sections 232.67-232.75 and 235B. This course enhances the knowledge of the mandatory reporter in recognizing and reporting suspected child and dependent adult abuse. This course will help you to better identify child and dependent adult abuse, the signs and symptoms, reporting requirements and continuing education required for mandatory reporters.

Mandatory Reporter - Dependent Adult
Mandatory Reporter Training for Dependent Adult Abuse
Professionals who have frequent contact with dependent adults in the course of their work are considered to be mandatory reporters. Mandatory reporters are required by law to complete two hours of training during their first six months of employment or self employment and two hours every five years thereafter. This online course meets the requirements for two hours of mandatory education for dependent adult abuse as required by Iowa Code Section 235B. This course enhances the knowledge of the mandatory reporter in recognizing and reporting suspected dependent adult abuse. This course will help you to better identify dependent adult abuse, the signs and symptoms, reporting requirements and continuing education required for mandatory reporters.

Pet First Aid
This state-of-the-art, yet user friendly pet first aid course and application teaches you basic pet care, CPR, rescue breathing, the Heimlich maneuver, and many vital steps to save your pet's life. You will also learn steps to prevent emergency situations and better protect your 4-legged best friend!
Course Highlights:
- Can be accessed on any mobile device or PC with no expiration to access
- Meets current evidence-based scientific guidelines for first aid & CPR for dogs and cats
- Learn Pet CPR, rescue breathing, Heimlich maneuver, basic first aid & life saving instructions
- Includes prevention care and safety tips on how to prevent injuries or illness
- Includes emergency instructions that are geared to life threatening situations for your pet
- Voice instructions, text, pictures, and videos - ADA compliant
- Take at your own pace; test at the end allows retakes until you pass
- Successful completion receives certification
- Bookmark option allows you to leave/enter where you left off and shows your progress
- Card reprint option included so you never lose your certification card
- Unlimited re-entry access to course manual and other useful reference materials
Please contact a First Voice Technical Sales Representative for a list of full course offerings related to OSHA requirements and other safety-related topic matter. Contact us at or call us at 319-377-5125 to directly speak to a representative. If it is more convenient you may fill out the form and a representative will promptly respond to your inquiry.