First Aid 2016
- Recognizing an Emergency
- Emergency Action Notification Plan & Steps
- Legal and Moral Issues / Good Samaritan Laws / Government Approvals
- Preventing Disease Transmission & Universal Precautions
- Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) / BBP Protection
- Scene Safety, Initial Assessment & Emergency Notification Plan
- Moving a Victim
- The Chain of Survival / Calling EMS (911) or advanced care
- Prioritizing Care & Caring for Shock
- Bleeding and Wound Management
- Burns & Electrocution Injuries
- Poisoning and Drug Overdose
- Muscle and Joint Injuries
- Heat-related emergencies & Overexertion
- Cold-related emergencies & Hypothermia or Frostbite
- Stings, Bites & Tick Removal
- Medical Emergencies
- breathing emergencies/allergies (epi-pen)
- fainting
- heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest
- stroke
- diabetes
- seizures
- shock
- First Aid Skills Refresher Checklist Forms
- Comprehensive Written Skills Examination