Good Samaritan Laws

For responsive and conscious victims state, "I am trained in basic first aid. Can I help you?"

Once the victim gives his approval this is called expressed consent.

If the victim refuses, call 9-1-1 or your designated emergency number immediately and wait for the arrival of advanced medical care.

If the victim is seriously injured, unconscious, under 18 or mentally impaired permission is implied.

If the victim is unconscious call 9-1-1 or your designated emergency number. Put on gloves and begin CPR.

SPECIAL NOTE: Employers may not require responders at their facility to ask for permission to provide care. Make sure to check your employer's policies for proper identification and permission to provide care procedures.

To protect yourself:
Identify yourself and your level of training,
get permission to provide care,
respond only to your level of training,
don't unnecessarily move the victim,
call for professional help or call your designated emergency number (9-1-1)
and continue to provide care until advanced care arrives on scene.

For unresponsive victims, immediately check for medical information jewelry and be sure to call 9-1-1 or your designated emergency number immediately. Put on any personal protective equipment and begin CPR.

First Voice Training - Good Samaritan Laws