Use Personal Protective Equipment & Identify Yourself

Do not allow any of the victim's blood or bodily fluids to get into any open cuts or wounds you may have.

If gloves are not available, improvise with a plastic bag covering your hands or similar barrier for adequate personal protection.

For more information on why universal precautions are necessary and proper equipment, take the First Voice BBP / Universal Precautions training course.
Be sure to exercise universal precautions from infection by protecting yourself as a rescuer.

Do not put yourself at risk from contamination to infection or disease from the victim's blood or body fluids.

Be sure to put on gloves or a protective mask and eyewear if treatment could cause blood or bodily fluids to splash onto you or other rescuers.

Whenever possible, use non-latex gloves to prevent any type of severe allergic reaction to latex by the victim.

Identify yourself, describe the situation, communicate your level of training, and explain how you are going to proceed.
First Voice Training - Use Personal Protective Equipment & Identify Yourself