Multiple Victims: Providing First Aid Care

For SEVERE Medical Emergencies:
Call 911
or your designated emergency number

Ask any victims who can walk to move to a separate area.

With victims that remain, spend one minute or less performing a quick assessment.

Do not start giving care until you have checked all victims and identified their level of priority. Ask any bystanders with first aid training to help you with victims as needed.

Care for 1st priority victims first and address life-threatening severe injuries and be sure to establish an open airway for these victims.

Move to 2nd priority victims only when the 1st priority victims are stable.

Medical triage or alert tags are available for purchase and should be included in your responder or first aid kit to correctly identify victim priority.

If there are multiple victims; it is important to prioritize who the rescuers will provide care to first.

The 1st priority is on victims with life-threatening injuries who can not wait for help.

The 2nd priority is for victims with injuries that need care very soon but may be able to wait.

The 3rd priority is for victims with minor injuries who can walk.

The 4th priority is for those who can not be saved and are obviously dead, unresponsive and not breathing.

When there are multiple victims needing care, be sure to call 9-1-1 or your designated emergency number immediately and tell the call taker there are multiple victims.
First Voice Training - Multiple Victims: Providing First Aid Care